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About Us

Pure Chocolate Company is a Jamaican artisan chocolate brand born in January 2017 from a desire to give back and develop a long dormant and under appreciated homegrown product in Jamaica - its fantastic cocoa. 


The driving force behind Pure are Rennae Johnson with her husband Wouter Tjeertes. Rennae is a seasoned pastry chef born and raised in Jamaica and knows the country, its farmers and community. Wouter has 3 decades of experience as executive pastry chef and chocolatier at various high-end resorts and boutique pastry shops in the Caribbean and Europe. Together as partners in business and in life, they combine their love for each other with the love to create a unique chocolate brand from the land of wood and water. 


With every decision we take, we always keep one thing in mind - is what we do honest, sustainable and Pure?

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Why Do We Do It?

Pure Chocolate Company Cinnamon Dark Chocolate

To improve the lives of those we partner with!


We have been working with it for over 20 years, and in those years we have learnt that the chocolate world is not always a fair world.


Cocoa farmers are often underpaid, and in some countries child-labour is still daily routine.


With Pure we want to show that it's possible to make chocolate that everybody benefits from, starting from the farmers, by getting to know them, working closely together to improve their wonderful product and paying them a premium price for their products.


We also provide our wrapper as a canvas to talented local artists. With our products we want to show a side of Jamaica not always known to the world, and by producing our chocolate bars here on our island we hope to stimulate the local economy, even if it's just a little bit.


Rural Jamaica is a hidden gem in the middle of the Caribbean with breath taking sceneries, exotic flavors and beautiful hard-working people; an experience brought to you, through our fine-flavored artisan chocolate.

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